Wills Page

What better time to update or create your Will than now?

A Will is the most effective way of ensuring that those closest to you are adequately provided for after you have gone. It gives important peace of mind not only to you, but also to your nearest and dearest, who will know that steps have been taken to provide them with the financial security they will require.

We aim to have your Will(s) completed within 10 days.

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Pay for your Single Will now! Pay for your Mirror Will now!

Our Fees for your entire Will(s) to be drafted

A Single Will - £250+VAT  £200 +VAT

Discounted Price for onthemove Clients

This is a Will written by an individual to document their wishes, and how they would like their estate to be treated when they pass away.

However, a single Will is not limited to single people. You can write a Single Will if you are in a relationship, married or a civil partnership. If your partner already has a Will or their wishes differ from yours then a Single Will is your best option.

Pay for your Single Will now!

A Mirror Will - £300+VAT  £250 +VAT

Discounted Price for onthemove Clients

A Mirror Will, or joint Will as some people may refer to it as – is a Will drawn up by a couple whose wishes reflect i.e ‘mirror’ one another’s. Like this…

  • On first passing everything goes to the ‘sole beneficiary’ the surviving spouse or partner – bar any personal bequeaths, gifts of jewellery or sentimental items.
  • On second passing the estate is then distributed by the provisions detailed in the Will.

Two actual Wills are produced as, although the contents ‘MIRROR’ each other as we mentioned above, there is an opportunity to make some personal requests – normally surrounding funeral arrangements and any personal or sentimental items.

Pay for your Mirror Will now!

Advantages of having a Will

  • You state who you wish to inherit your assets and who your Executor(s) are. 
  • You can consider and plan for any tax liabilities your estate may face. This can ensure your beneficiaries receive your assets and not the State.
  • You can determine the age at which any younger beneficiaries will inherit. You can even nominate who you want to be Guardians to your children if they are under the age of 16.
  • You can record your wishes about a funeral, burial or cremation. At a time of grieving this can offer great assistance to relatives who may not know your wishes if you do not put them down on paper.
  • You can also avoid family arguments because your wishes are set out in black and white.

Call Us today to discuss your needs for a Will in more detail.

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