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We make sure you're protected...
No Move No Fee
Search Fee Guarantee
Lifetime File Transfer
We want to make sure you are protected if your move is to become abortive, which is why there is no legal fees due if you decide not to move.
One less thing to worry about!
If your purchase was to fall through for any reason, we will provide you with a fully comprehensive search pack for the next time you move, completely free of charge.
You may find yourself buying a different house, or selling to a different buyer than you originally thought. And that’s ok!
When you come round to selling/buying again there is no additional charges for getting set back up!
''Excellent value for money, searched for local conveyancers and compared them with onthemove's recommendation, was an easy choice!''
-Millie Barker
''Looking for conveyancers in Essex seemed like a task. Until we met onthemove they matched us with a great team, their set up process was very easy and have got my log in details to see what's happening on my phone too.''
-Niamh O'Connor